Port Codes

Port Code Search & International Seaport Code List

Equatorial Guinea Sea Ports

Search results of "Equatorial GuineaCountry":

Port Code Port Name Port Type City Country/Region
GQBSG Bata Feeder Port Bata Equatorial Guinea
GQSSG Malabo Feeder Port Malabo Equatorial Guinea
GQLUB Luba Feeder Port Luba Equatorial Guinea
GQBUL Butuku-Luba Feeder Port Butuku-Luba Equatorial Guinea
  • Main Port:
  • A main port is a port with a large capacity for cargo handling, acting as a hub or a gateway for goods transportation in its area. Usually, main ports are included in the freight tariffs of shipping lines and have regular container liners (mother vessels) to berth.
  • Feeder Port:
  • A feeder port is a port for feeder vessels to transport containers from and to the large container terminals (main ports).
  • Dry Port:
  • A dry port is an inland intermodal terminal directly connected by road or rail with seaports, operating the transshipment of ocean freight to inland destinations.

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