
Terms & Glossaries of Shipping and Trading

ERD (Expected Receipt Date)

Expected Receipt Date is defined as the date you expect the goods to be available in the storage location. Or, it is the date on which the merchandise on a purchase order is expected to be received at the store or warehouse.

What is ERD (Expected Receipt Date)?

Expected Receipt Date is defined as the date you expect the goods to be available in the storage location. Or, it is the date on which the merchandise on a purchase order is expected to be received at the store or warehouse. So the goods or items that you have ordered are available for picking in Expected Receipt Date.

Then how to calculate the Expected Receipt Date?

If there's a requested receipt date on the purchase order line, then that date is the basis for the following calculations:

requested receipt date + inbound whse. handling time + safety lead time = expected receipt date

If there is not a requested delivery date, then the planned receipt date is used as the starting point for the following calculations.:

planned receipt date + inbound whse. handling time + safety lead time = expected receipt date