
Terms & Glossaries of Shipping and Trading

EIN (Exporter Identification Number)

An Exporter Identification Number (EIN) is a tax ID that the US government uses to identify business entities located in the US. This is used by Customs to associate entities with any of their import or export dealings such as Customs bonds, Customs entries, ISF filings, etc. An exporter identification number (EIN) is required for shipping goods from United States to other foreign country. The EIN is issued by Internal Revenue Service, Department of Treasury. It is is filed through the Automated Export System. The EIN contains information on the sender and receiver of goods and information about goods that are exported.

What is EIN (Exporter Identification Number)?

An Exporter Identification Number (EIN) is a tax ID that the US government uses to identify business entities located in the US. This is used by Customs to associate entities with any of their import or export dealings such as Customs bonds, Customs entries, ISF filings, etc. An exporter identification number (EIN) is required for shipping goods from United States to other foreign country. The EIN is issued by Internal Revenue Service, Department of Treasury. It is is filed through the Automated Export System. The EIN contains information on the sender and receiver of goods and information about goods that are exported.


Key takeaways:

An export identification number (EIN) is a numerical code that is used by business entities and individuals who are engaged in exporting activities.

Individuals are required to acquire an export identification (EIN) if they want to export products to other countries, even if they do not have a registered business. The EIN requirements do not vary.



Whether you are exporting on behalf of a U.S. company or simply shipping a personal vehicle or gift to a family member, the requirement to obtain an EIN remains the same.

An individual can apply for an EIN by phone, fax, mail and online.