
Terms & Glossaries of Shipping and Trading

CTM (Cargo Transfer Manifest)

A Cargo Transfer Manifest (CTM) is an official document used in the shipping industry to detail all the cargo items that are being transferred from one transport unit to another. This document serves as a comprehensive record, listing information such as the type, quantity, and destination of the cargo, alongside other vital details necessary for its handling and legal compliance.

Understanding Cargo Transfer Manifest in Shipping

What is CTM (Cargo Transfer Manifest)?

A Cargo Transfer Manifest is a crucial document in the shipping and logistics industry. It details the movement of cargo from one vessel to another or between different modes of transportation. This document ensures that all parties involved in the transfer process are aware of the contents, origins, and destinations of the cargo, thereby facilitating accurate tracking and compliance with regulations.

Purpose and Importance

1. Tracking and Accountability:

The Cargo Transfer Manifest serves as a record of the cargo being transferred, providing transparency and accountability. It includes detailed information about each item, such as description, weight, quantity, and handling instructions.

2. Customs Compliance:

The manifest is essential for complying with customs regulations. It helps customs authorities verify that the cargo matches the declared items, ensuring that no illegal or undeclared goods are being transported.

3. Efficient Handling and Transfer:

By providing detailed information about the cargo, the manifest ensures that the handling and transfer processes are efficient. This minimizes the risk of errors, delays, and damage to the cargo.

4. Safety and Security:

The manifest contributes to the safety and security of the cargo by ensuring that hazardous materials are properly identified and handled according to regulations.

Key Components of a Cargo Transfer Manifest

1. Shipment Information:

Details such as the shipment number, date of transfer, and reference numbers associated with the shipment.

2. Carrier Information:

Information about the carriers involved in the transfer, including names, contact details, and transportation modes.

3. Consignee and Shipper Details:

Names and addresses of the consignee (receiver) and shipper (sender) to ensure proper delivery and correspondence.

4. Description of Goods:

Detailed description of the goods being transferred, including item names, quantities, weights, and dimensions.

5. Handling Instructions:

Specific instructions for handling the cargo, especially if it includes fragile or hazardous items.

6. Transfer Details:

Information about the transfer process, such as the origin and destination points, and the route or mode of transport.

7. Customs and Regulatory Information:

Relevant customs declarations and regulatory compliance details to ensure smooth processing through customs checkpoints.

Process of Creating and Using a Cargo Transfer Manifest

1. Preparation by Shipper:

The shipper prepares the manifest, including all necessary details about the cargo, carriers, and transfer process.

2. Review by Carrier:

The carrier reviews the manifest to ensure accuracy and completeness, verifying that all information matches the cargo being transferred.

3. Customs and Regulatory Checks:

The manifest is presented to customs authorities for inspection and verification. This step ensures that the cargo complies with all regulatory requirements.

4. Transfer Execution:

Once approved, the cargo is transferred according to the details specified in the manifest. All parties involved follow the handling instructions and transfer details to ensure a smooth process.

5. Final Verification:

Upon completion of the transfer, a final verification is conducted to ensure that the cargo has been successfully and accurately transferred. Any discrepancies are noted and addressed.

Benefits of Using a Cargo Transfer Manifest

1. Enhanced Visibility:

The manifest provides a clear and detailed view of the cargo transfer process, enhancing visibility for all parties involved.

2. Improved Efficiency:

By streamlining the transfer process and providing clear instructions, the manifest helps improve operational efficiency.

3. Regulatory Compliance:

Ensures that all regulatory and customs requirements are met, reducing the risk of penalties and delays.

4. Risk Mitigation:

Helps identify and mitigate potential risks, such as handling errors or non-compliance with hazardous materials regulations.

5. Customer Satisfaction:

Ensures timely and accurate delivery of goods, enhancing customer satisfaction and trust.


The Cargo Transfer Manifest is a vital document in the shipping and logistics industry, facilitating the smooth and efficient transfer of cargo between carriers and modes of transport. By providing detailed information about the shipment, ensuring compliance with regulations, and improving operational efficiency, the manifest plays a crucial role in the global supply chain. Understanding and effectively using the Cargo Transfer Manifest can help businesses manage their logistics processes more effectively and ensure the safe and timely delivery of goods.