
Terms & Glossaries of Shipping and Trading

Airline Terminal Fee

An airline terminal fee is charged for all air shipments as a fee for handling the cargo. Depending on the airline, it may be included in the air freight fee, rather than listed as a separate origin charge.

Deciphering Airline Terminal Fees: A Crucial Aspect of Air Cargo Logistics

What is an Airline Terminal Fee?

An Airline Terminal Fee is a charge assessed by airports to airlines for the use of airport terminals and their facilities. These fees can cover a broad scope of services and components essential to both passenger convenience and cargo handling. For passengers, this might mean the use of passenger bridges, waiting lounges, and ticketing services, while for cargo, it can involve the use of cargo handling services and storage facilities.

The Purpose of Airline Terminal Fees

Facility Maintenance and Upgrades
: Airports levy these fees to maintain and improve the terminal facilities, ensuring safe and efficient operation for both passengers and cargo.

Operational Costs: The fees help cover the cost of the day-to-day operations within the terminals, such as cleaning, heating, air conditioning, and security.

Service Enhancement: Part of the fee goes into enhancing terminal services, such as providing WiFi, improving seating areas, or upgrading systems for handling luggage and freight.

Calculation of Airline Terminal Fees

The calculation of Airline Terminal Fees can vary significantly from one airport to another and may be influenced by several factors, including:

Flight Operation Frequency: Airlines that have more frequent flights may be charged higher fees due to increased use of terminal facilities.

Aircraft Size: Larger aircraft that require more space and resources can incur higher fees.

Passenger or Cargo Volume: Terminals that handle a higher volume of passengers or cargo typically charge more to accommodate the increased wear and tear on the facilities.

Impact on Passengers and Cargo Shippers

For passengers, the Airline Terminal Fee is usually embedded within the ticket price, contributing to the total fare paid to fly from one destination to another. This can affect ticket prices, making some airports more expensive to fly from than others.

For cargo shippers, these fees are part of the overall shipping costs and can impact the cost-effectiveness of using one airport over another. The fees may be passed on to the shipper by the airlines or freight forwarders through the airfreight bill.

Strategies for Managing Costs Related to Airline Terminal Fees

Thorough Planning
: Understanding the fee structures of different airports can help businesses and travelers make cost-effective decisions about which airports to use.

Bundled Packages: Sometimes, airlines or freight forwarders offer packages that bundle various fees, including terminal fees, which may provide savings.

Off-Peak Advantages: Using airport terminals during off-peak times may result in lower fees due to decreased demand for the facilities.


The Airline Terminal Fee is an integral component of the financial structure of airports and contributes to the cost of air travel and shipping. By supporting the maintenance and improvement of terminal facilities, these fees ensure a higher standard of service for users. For passengers and cargo shippers alike, a detailed understanding of these fees is essential for budgeting and strategic planning. Being informed and proactive about these charges can help in managing costs effectively and avoiding unexpected expenses in air transportation.